18Jul10:09 amEST

D-G-L-Y: You Ain't Got No Alibi

Regardless of where your fall on the political spectrum, there is little doubt of the extra scrutiny now being applied to law enforcement in America. And that will only be magnified these next few weeks, what with the GOP and then Democratic National Conventions in Cleveland and Philadelphia, respectively. 

As a result, a firm like Digital Ally, which had largely been ignored by the market since May 2015, is back in focus. DGLY produces digital video imaging and storage products for use in law enforcement and security applications, which provides direct evidence of any involvement by law enforcement in questionable incidents. 

We looked at the daily chart for DGLY last week, and updating it below as long as the stock holds over $6 I think it is in play for at least a long day-trade, if not something more as the GOP Convention is underway. 

There are a few other plays, too, which we are looking at for Members this morning. We are also stalking pin action plays in light of the hefty ARMH buyout. 

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