17Mar12:55 pmEST
Taking in More Green on a Green Holiday; Chess Moves
i just sold another piece of my GOGO long at $21.69 from the $19.93 entry last week. I am taking advantage of more intraday strength in the name, in the face of a red market, since I took initial gains this morning here.
I am now down to about 25% size of original position, with my stop-loss raised to my entry price.
As for new ideas, I am watching a CYBR long on further strength, and may add to my AXP short if it loses its 20-day moving average. LNKD is drifting lower into gap-fill territory down.
And MGM and most of the major casino are trying for snapback rallies today, a big reason why I covered the rest of my LVS short yesterday.
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