12Nov10:48 amEST

I Went to the Fed Jawboning Game and a Stock Market Broke Out

Amid a slew of Fed heads jawboning today, market are broadly lower, with commodities still have trouble getting off the mat. Crude oil is oversold and potentially breaking its range lower as it heads into a postponed inventory report at 11am EST. Precious metals and miners spiked up earlier but have now largely faded those gains. Although gold miners have shown slight positive divergences to the yellow metal, I am not yet seeing enough evidence for a long scalp. 

Meanwhile in equities, the usual suspects like AMZN FB GOOGL NFLX are hanging in well again, not yet giving up the ghost. Also note major casinos are sneakily green here, namely MGM, which has outpaced the likes of LVS MPEL WYNN of late, holding over all major moving averages. The name becomes more intriguing ver $24. 

We are working a few trades across several markets, on both sides of the tape, inside Market Chess Subscription Services, looking to see who wins the slugfest amid the jawboning today between the fairly weak small caps, biotechs, healthcare versus the widely-known steep leaders. 

The Allure of the Rails' Yes... Balancing Out the Move in Go...


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