07Jul3:25 pmEST

Who You Gonna Call? ShotSpotters!

Even a cursory glance at the national nightly and cable news of late will have you seeing a few stories here and there about the Biden Administration acknowledging growing gun violence, especially in cities like Chicago. That said, in lieu of trying to cop out to political content and sensationalized tweets about politics, our focus with Members is on keeping things actionable and market-focused, as always. 

In this case, we look at the obvious political issues here through that prism, of actionable trading ideas and angles with which to play the public will to address rising violence in America's most visible and well-known cities. 

And when we do, beyond firearms and ammunition plays we discussed many times before (which are, of course, pricing in demand "pulled forward" by potentially restrictive gun laws), we find innovative ways with which police can conduct business using technology to everyone's advantage, except the criminals, of course. 

Acoustic gunshot detection systems (AGDs) such as ShotSpotter (SSTI, below on its weekly chart) use sound sensors to locate gunshots in a community, improve response times, determine how many shooters are in an area, and identify the types of firearms being used. 

This seems like a no-brainer for big cities, especially, to implement. Most folks across the political spectrum can pretty much be content with this solution, as it, in effect, "Reimagines the police," while using practical real-world applications to improve police work in high crime neighborhoods, especially. 

I wish SSTI traded with more daily average volume, but that may come in due time. The weekly chart is coiled up, and any strength above $50 going forward should be wildly bullish for a name which could easily be on the tip of many prominent politicians' tongues soon enough. 

Time for Bonds to Kiss and B... It Ain't Much, But It's Hone...


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