Showing articles 3231 - 3240 (6680 total)
20Nov10:43 amEST
A Characteristic of Various Bulls
Some more mergers & acquisitions activity this morning seems to have offset overnight concerns in Asia and in the futures markets. Specifically, MRVL for CAVM in the chip space is the deal du jour, placing other semis back on our radar for Members. To be sure, with the holidays approaching one would expect a sense of urgency for deals to get...
19Nov12:58 pmEST
Special Edition: Full-Length Weekend Strategy Session 11/19/17 {Video}
For this weekend only, I am opening up the full-length Weekend Video Strategy Session to everyone. Each weekend, I present a similar video to the one below for Members of the Market Chess Subscription Services . Please click here for details about joining at a reasonable price to receive these types of videos, as well as plenty of...
18Nov10:53 amEST
Saturday Night at Market Chess Cinemas
Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto ( 2006) is an excellent historical action and adventure film. Regardless of your feeling on Gibson, who stays behind the camera as the writer and director here, the no-name cast is phenomenal, as are the detailed historical dramatizations. In fact, I consider this film to be, easily, one of the most underrated...
17Nov3:24 pmEST
Suddenly Swimming in Plentiful Waters
Heading into the weekend before holiday trading essentially kicks off next week, even with the Dow, S&P, and Nasdaq flashing red here it is tough for bears to claim any type of victory. The reason why that is the case is that we still have growth leaders like SQ, well, leading. And resurgent sectors like footwear retail thanks to FL SCVL. And...
17Nov10:49 amEST
Offsides Penalty Called on Foot Locker Bears
After earnings, Foot Locker is surging more than 22% as I write this. Inside Market Chess Subscription Services, the retail footwear niche has been an industry of interest lately, though FL had one of the weaker charts. Instead, we focused on plays like SKX with better overall charts. However, when we see both FL and Show Carnival (SCVL) each...
16Nov4:16 pmEST
Stock Market Recap 11/16/17 {Video}
The following video is a brief, condensed version of the Stock Market Recap which I present each evening to members of Market Chess Subscription Services. In the longer version, I offer tons of actionable trade ideas, educational content, and in-depth objective analysis across all markets If you enjoy my videos and blog posts, then please...
16Nov10:52 amEST
The Cisco Kid on the Comeback Trail
After earnings, the large cap, mature tech play Cisco Systems is leaving its prior 2007 bull market peak in the dust, as you can see the monthly chart, below, indicate that the door is now open for CSCO to stage a fresh leg higher. As tough as that may be to grasp for some, given the bull run in the broad market heretofore, it simply it is...
15Nov3:58 pmEST
Stock Market Recap 11/15/17 {Video}
The following video is a brief, condensed version of the Stock Market Recap which I present each evening to members of Market Chess Subscription Services. In the longer version, I offer tons of actionable trade ideas, educational content, and in-depth objective analysis across all markets If you enjoy my videos and blog posts, then please...
15Nov3:52 pmEST
It's Got Some Bite to It
As we often preach, moving averages are best used as reference points rather than automatic places to buy or sell. In the case of financials, using XLF as a proxy, the 50-day moving average (dark blue line on daily chart, below) acted as a place where buyers came with some bite to them today, given the strong bounce. Clearly, the market is...
15Nov1:20 pmEST
Back to the Bucket Shop
In terms of updating this blog post from September about Kandi Technologies, the very small cap China play in the electric car sector has made solid strides from a technical standpoint. The daily chart, first below, shows KNDI threatening a fresh leg higher in a cutting edge sector. A move back over $8.35 can be considered a solid long...