Showing articles 3531 - 3540 (6679 total)
24Jul1:30 pmEST
This Market Flies Kites, Not Drones
Interestingly, the mid-cap biotech, Kite Pharma, Inc., below on the daily timeframe, is the top holding by weight in the IWM (ETF for the Russell 2000 Index). Although KITE is the top holding above others by only a slight margin, it is symbolic insofar as highlight the intimate relationship between the smaller and mid-cap biotechs and the...
24Jul10:18 amEST
WebMD No Longer Has an Acute Case of the Mondays
We have a variation of "Merger Monday" this morning, as KKR announced plans to acquire WBMD in a deal valued at $2.8 billion. WBMD gapped above $66 on the news, and puts the rest of the healthcare new age IT plays on the radar even more for potential buyout targets. TDOC comes to mind, of course. But there are other related plays we have on...
23Jul9:24 amEST
Weekend Overview and Analysis 07/23/17 {Video}
The following video is a brief, condensed version of the full-length Weekend Video Strategy Session which I present each weekend to members of Market Chess Subscription Services. In the longer version, I offer tons of actionable trade ideas, educational content, and in-depth objective analysis across all mark Please click here for more...
23Jul9:21 amEST
Sunday Matinée at Market Chess Cinemas
Wyatt Earp (1994) and Tombstone (1993) were films released six months apart, each prominently featuring Old American West icon Wyatt Earp. Although Tombstone was largely seen as the superior film, and Wyatt Earp argued as a flop by many, I take the contrarian point of view here. I believe Wyatt Earp to be an excellent film with a...
21Jul10:39 amEST
Summer Amusement
It has not been a particularly fun summer for bears thus far, despite energy struggling to bounce and various retail names staying in the doghouse. Even this morning, for example, despite a red open on the back of GE gapping down to reinforce its bearish chart over the last eight months or so, it is far from a summer amusement park ride for...
20Jul3:55 pmEST
One of Those: "Is This Really Happening?" Moments
A main reason why we do not delve into politics (beyond a specific thesis for given stock or sector) is that it can only serve to distract you from the message of the market. Indeed, the market can be tough enough, as is, beyond commingling political views and expectations. As an example, note the stock market soaring under President Obama for...
20Jul10:31 amEST
I Like My Nose, Mrs. Mulwray
Amid a mixed, sluggish summer open for stocks are seeing some interesting signs of reversion within the massive retail complex. Long-time winners like HD LOW are getting hit off paint maker The Sherwin-Williams Co. missed earnings. And we know SHW has been a winner in its own right, actually outpacing Home Depot and Lowe's this spring and...
19Jul3:54 pmEST
Stock Market Recap 07/19/17 {Video}
The following video is a brief, condensed version of the Stock Market Recap which I present each evening to members of Market Chess Subscription Services. In the longer version, I offer tons of actionable trade ideas, educational content, and in-depth objective analysis across all markets If you enjoy my videos and blog posts, then please...
19Jul1:41 pmEST
This Market May Need a CARB Refeed Day or Two
We spent the morning locking in some gains on extended longs while rolling some capital down to stocks setting up nicely to follow the Nasdaq's momentum higher. While it is true that a rug-pull can materialize at any moment, we do not exactly have a furious buying frenzy out there as the pace of the action still smacks of a summer drift...
19Jul10:29 amEST
Looking for the Next Conn's Job
Small cap stocks are threatening a major breakout, once again, this morning, as the IWM ETF for the Russell 2000 Index, cleared the pivotal $142.50 area earlier and is outpacing all major averages as we speak. That said, the overall price action of the tape has a summer feel to it, with breakout plays mixed and the market selectively giving...