
Showing articles 2751 - 2760 (6584 total)

10May1:52 pmEST

All-American Metals

While I remain long-term bullish on some global material mining giants like BHP (Australia) and PKX (South Korea), it is hard not to look out to the coming midterm elections in November and consider that President Trump (and VP Pence) will be pushing the "American worker" in the midwest theme hard, once again.  And if that happens, some...

10May10:44 amEST

Don't Forget to Revisit the Legends of This Season

A common mental trap during earnings season is to have a defeatist attitude, insofar as mumbling "Aw, shucks, I missed that big move in this particular name I knew to be a winner, and now I will not be able to get in on the long side anytime soon." While earnings season can often be frustrating in that reward, with a darned-if-you-do play...

09May3:26 pmEST

Small Caps Outperform...Great! Now How Do I Make That Actionable? {Video}

09May10:44 amEST

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Energy Selloff Yesterday...

Yesterday's price action in the face of what many complacently assumed would be a slam-dunk energy sector selloff in the face of Trump pulling the U.S. out of the Iran pact is a good example of why we use charts to guide us. Mind you, we are not proponents of the idea that technical analysis ought to be used to constantly make bold, directional...

08May3:42 pmEST

Stock Market Recap 05/08/18 {Video}

The following video is a brief, condensed version of the Stock Market Recap which I present each evening to members of Market Chess Subscription Services. In the longer version, I offer tons of actionable trade ideas, educational content, and in-depth objective analysis across all markets. If you enjoy my videos and blog posts, then  please...

08May2:01 pmEST

When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Go to Strong Island

As human beings, all but the darkest and most evil of souls could never root for a global pandemic to materialize. Even the Ebola scare in 2014, for example, could not hold equities down for very long. But if there is another scare, or something worse, on the horizon, with the latest Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo making...

08May10:55 amEST

Another Scavenger Hunt of Sorts

Valeant is up nicely after earnings this morning, a name which is practically infamous at this point given that it was the scene of one of Bill Ackman's biggest losses when he realized his mistake both in literal (selling out of his position) and figurative terms, acknowledging his stubbornness during VRX's devastating, unforgiving downtrend...

07May5:22 pmEST

Stock Market Recap 05/07/18 {Video}

The following video is a brief, condensed version of the Stock Market Recap which I present each evening to members of Market Chess Subscription Services. In the longer version, I offer tons of actionable trade ideas, educational content, and in-depth objective analysis across all markets. If you enjoy my videos and blog posts, then  please...

07May3:34 pmEST

Revising Strategy from Here

Small caps, and indeed the broad market, are seeing some initial fading at prior resistance after a sharp run from the lower end of its multi-month range.  However, when we view this action in context, on the IWM small cap ETF daily chart, below, we can see that an initial fade is not necessarily reason for concern.  Similar comments apply to...

07May11:17 amEST

Casual Dining Chains Will Make You Feel Cool Again

While it is certainly true that some one of the more alluring software growth plays continue to dazzle, not to mention the energy complex and small caps in general, we ought not overlook the continued improvement in the casual dining space.  Brinker (EAT), flagging below on the daily chart, is yet another example of a quietly attractive long...

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