Showing articles 6551 - 6560 (6679 total)
08Dec10:20 amEST
Biotech Tidal Waves on the Stormy Sea
The wildcard for a the broad market to levitate into year-end continues to be if we see biotechnology sector stage a melt-up higher. This morning, we are seeing just that, with the IBB sector ETF up nearly 2% even as other damage is seen in the market. There is no telling how long a "blow-off" can last, so it is usually best to nimbly play...
07Dec1:44 pmEST
Weekend Market Film Session 12/07/14 {Video}
The following video contains coverage of the broad market, as well as tons of actionable trading ideas for equities and other markets regarding the coming week of 12/08/2014-12/12/2014. Trade Well. Protect your portfolio at all times. -chessNwine Direct Vimeo Link Click Here
07Dec11:05 amEST
Pearl Harbor: The Untold Story
The Attack On Pearl Harbor, 73 Years Ago Today. Pearl Harbor - The Untold Story (History Channel Documentary), via YouTube
06Dec3:00 pmEST
Saturday Night at Market Chess Cinemas
Both The Fugitive (1993) and In the Line of Fire (1993) were released in the summer of 1993 as Hollywood summer blockbusters. While the former garnered plenty of critical acclaim and fans, I view the latter as the better film. Clint Eastwood stars as the gruff, old-timer Secret Service agent Frank Horrigan. Horrigan worked for JFK and is...
06Dec12:27 pmEST
Close, But Not Quite Time for Santa to Light Up
The seasonal "Santa Claus Rally" in the stock market is a phrase you will hear quite a bit of in the coming weeks, if you have not already. According to Sentimentrader, via @ukarlewitz on Twitter, however, the coming week in the market has less-than-bullish seasonality, seen on the graph below. Trying to trade seasonality is always a...
06Dec12:09 amEST
How Much Does the Stock Market Move During the Day?
Very cool video courtesy of @nanexllc on Twitter. X-Axis is hour of day between 0 and 24 (midnight to midnight Eastern Time) Y-Axis is price change in percent from 1 hour ago. Each line shows how much the stock market moves (in percent) over the last hour during 1 trading day. The price of the active S&P 500 futures contract (the EMini) is used...
05Dec3:42 pmEST
The Last Good Train Ride; Chess Moves
Headed into the weekend, I placed 4% of my trading portfolio capital into a short Union Pacific position, at $118.73, with a cover-stop over $124. I playing for the stock to at least hit $110, if not lower, before earnings in late-January 2015. I have shorted this multi-year winning mega rail a few times in recent quarters with mixed results....
05Dec1:46 pmEST
The Two Lane Rising Channel Highway
We have an interesting split in the market right now, with premier Nasdaq names like Tesla Motors sporting a clear weekly chart rising wedge breakdown, first below. TSLA's stock has been sluggish for a while now, and buyers may finally be throwing in the towel short-term as upside momentum has been set on fire. Meanwhile, financials are...
05Dec12:31 pmEST
Looking for the Old School Sexy
In Texas hold 'em poker, the term "sexy" is slang, used as a noun to describe the act of slow-playing a hand on "the river," or after all of the community cards have been dealt. Instead of betting your hand in one of the first positions to act, you instead "check" to your opponent(s) with the intention of raising once the action gets back...
05Dec11:06 amEST
Update on Two Market Chess-Style Ideas
YELP has been a consistent short setup I have charted in recent weeks. This is a textbook broken chart which needs technical and psychological help before having a chance to heal itself. Note how price is operating below major, declining moving averages. This morning, YELP appears to be breaking down from the highlighted descending triangle...