Showing articles 1581 - 1590 (6687 total)
16Nov3:55 pmEST
Insurance Stocks and Chill
As I am sure you can tell from my recent analysis and trades, I am convinced the winds of Wall Street are changing in favor of boring, deep value plays like the insurance stocks. On the KIE ETF, first daily chart, below, I wonder how many newfound traders this year will even know to track insurance stocks in this brave new world--I suspect it...
16Nov10:47 amEST
Still Ain't Got No Vaccine for Fossil Fuels
The Moderna vaccine news this morning may very well feel like a mere repeat of last Monday morning's Pfizer vaccine gap higher. However, the larger issue for me is the rotation underway. These vaccine headlines seem more like an excuse rather than grandiose catalyst for money to head into financials, insurers, energy, materials, ags, etc.. I...
15Nov11:57 amEST
Weekend Overview and Analysis 11/15/20 {Video}
The following video is a brief, condensed version of the full-length Weekend Video Strategy Session which I present each weekend to members of Market Chess Subscription Services. In the longer version, I offer tons of actionable trade ideas, educational content, and in-depth objective analysis across all markets. Please click here for more...
13Nov10:01 amEST
You Have Your Shows; I Have Mine
One of the main objectives of Market Chess, both here and with Members, is assessing any given market as objectively as possible. If simply creating the appearance of always winning/getting a call right had been the goal, it really is not that hard to do so in today's fast-moving atmosphere of constant headlines and market moves: A gap up here,...
12Nov5:07 pmEST
Stock Market Recap 11/12/20 {Video}
The following video is a brief, condensed version of the Stock Market Recap which I present each evening to members of Market Chess Subscription Services. In the longer version, I offer tons of actionable trade ideas, educational content, and in-depth objective analysis across all markets. If you enjoy my videos and blog posts, then please...
12Nov10:46 amEST
Just One More Thing...
The chasm between tech and most other parts of the market can be seen again this morning, as the Nasdaq flirted with red earlier but buyers defended the $290 level on the QQQ ETF. With the Dow, S&P, and small caps all still red albeit off their own morning lows, I am keeping a close eye on tech to see if the reflexive buying makes another run...
11Nov10:08 amEST
Face/Off Day
On this Veterans Day, the bond market is closed (along with banks, post offices, etc.), but we know stocks are open. As we noted for Members back around Labor Day, it would essentially be a "straight shot" with no breaks until Thanksgiving. With this in mind, TLT is still trading, since it is an actively-traded ETF of Treasuries. Thus, the...
10Nov4:23 pmEST
Stock Market Recap 11/10/20 {Video}
The following video is a brief, condensed version of the Stock Market Recap which I present each evening to members of Market Chess Subscription Services. In the longer version, I offer tons of actionable trade ideas, educational content, and in-depth objective analysis across all markets. If you enjoy my videos and blog posts, then please...
10Nov10:41 amEST
Now is When the Drama Starts
It was all too easy to expect a turbulent election week, and the market properly punished bears and hedgers alike with an epic squeeze, almost disorderly, to the upside. Sectors like chips in the SMH ETF looked like astronauts which had broken free from the International Space Station and were gliding through the galaxy without any resistance. ...
09Nov4:33 pmEST
Stock Market Recap 11/09/20 {Video}
The following video is a brief, condensed version of the Stock Market Recap which I present each evening to members of Market Chess Subscription Services. In the longer version, I offer tons of actionable trade ideas, educational content, and in-depth objective analysis across all markets. If you enjoy my videos and blog posts, then please...