Daily Archives: September 9, 2024

Showing articles 1 - 2 (2 total)

19Jun2:45 pmEST

Weekend Overview and Analysis 06/19/16 {Video}

The following video is a brief, condensed version of the full-length Weekend Video Strategy Session which I present each weekend to members of Market Chess Subscription Services. In the longer version, I offer tons of actionable trade ideas, educational content, and in-depth objective analysis across all markets. Please click here  for more...

19Jun11:36 amEST

Sunday Matinée at Market Chess Cinemas

Following in tradition for this website Father's Day, the great father/son tale told in Road to Perdition (2002) is worth a viewing (or a repeat viewing). My own father died in 2002, not long before this film was released. I often wonder if he would have liked it as much as I think he would have. I suppose I will always associate this film with...


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