Showing articles 6171 - 6180 (6674 total)
22Feb1:21 pmEST
Weekend Video Strategy Session 02/22/15 {Video}
The following video contains coverage of the broad market, as well as tons of actionable trading ideas for equities and other markets regarding the coming week of 02/23/15-02/27/15. Trade Well. Protect your portfolio at all times. -chessNwine Direct Vimeo Link - Click Here
22Feb10:45 amEST
The Real George Washington
Today is officially George Washington's birthday--The "Father of America," as he often referenced for his legendary leadership, toughness, and humility. While you enjoy your Sunday morning, and while I prepare the Weekend Video Strategy Session, soak in this well-done documentary about him.
21Feb7:10 pmEST
Saturday Night at Market Chess Cinemas
Seeing as the the 87th Academy Awards are set for tomorrow evening, let us take a look at the first-ever film to win the Academy Award for Best Picture (back then it was called "Best Picture, Production"). Wings (1927) is an American silent war film set during the First World War. The film stars a young Gary Cooper, as well as Clara Bow. The...
21Feb10:37 amEST
Pat Riley on Winning Voices
Here is a worthwhile Saturday morning video featuring the esteemed, championship NBA coach and executive, Pat Riley. On top of his basketball prowess, Riley has a reputation for his business acumen and astute leadership capabilities. As such, try to apply the topics he discusses in this video to trading and the markets.
20Feb3:47 pmEST
Against the Backdrop of Greek Theatre
As has been the modus operandi for this bull market for a good while now, any news headline or data point will suffice as an excuse to rally. Closing out this holiday-shortened week, the news of a deal between Greece and its creditors is the excuse du jour for this rally to fresh all-time highs for many of the major averages. The good news is...
20Feb3:16 pmEST
Two More Actionable Ideas as the Market Chugs Along
With the ONCE and VVUS long ideas from earlier working well in the biotechnology sector, here are two others which are coiled nicely into next week. Both BLUE and RARE are biotech we have observed before, prior to their rallies several months back. But now they figured to be setting up again. Note their daily charts, respectively below, basing...
20Feb2:01 pmEST
Staying Opportunistic
After closing out my UGAZ long earlier today, I am debating a crude oil short trade over the weekend. Whereas natural gas was ripe for a snapback rally over the last two weeks, crude oil already had its relief rally and may be close to rolling back over to continue its bear market. DWTI would be my preferred trading vehicle, the triple-short...
20Feb12:19 pmEST
Locking in Another Big Natty Win; Chess Moves
I just sold the final 1/3 of my long UGAZ position here at $3.50 from my $3.04 entry on Tuesday of this week to lock in the rest of the win. For the second time in two weeks, I seem to have been in stride with natural gas, playing that triple-long UGAZ ETF for a nice win. As it stands, UNG, the straight-up natty ETF, is back at its upper...
20Feb11:34 amEST
Ideas in Case We Go Back to the Future
In the event we do see a "blow-off," parabolic move higher in the biotechnology sector which takes us back to the future like the dot-com bubble in 2000, then it is of course worth watching prospective biotechs which could get going. While most of these charts are not my ideal setups, it still merits watching the likes of ARNA ONCE VVUS. ONCE...
20Feb10:51 amEST
Two Peas in a Pod
With the merger of Burger King and Tim Horton's, the ticker symbol QSR comprises those two peas in a pod. On the daily chart, below, we have a young new chart with which to work. But we know that casual and many fast food plays have been extremely hot of late. And Burger King and Tim Horton's could be a powerful North American combination. As...