Showing articles 6481 - 6490 (6685 total)
22Dec12:54 pmEST
A Simple Job Down in Cuba
CUBA has been a good day-trading stock over the past few sessions. We profiled the 20-period moving average on the 5-minute chart last week after the initial political news about Cuba was released. Since then, the stock has continued on higher. Updating the 10-minute chart below, I still think you can use the 20-period moving average as a rough...
22Dec11:50 amEST
Trading Vehicles Only or You Can Kiss Your Money Goodbye
The price action in natural gas of late is a good reminder that highly-levered ETFs such s UGAZ (triple-long natty) are designed to be trading vehicles only, rather than buy-and-hold for a retirement account. In addition to the leverage, the ETFs suffer "decay" with the way they are structured. I was fortunate to sell UGAZ right at its...
21Dec3:01 pmEST
Weekend Market Film Session 12/21/14 {Video}
The following video contains coverage of the broad market, as well as tons of actionable trading ideas for equities and other markets regarding the coming week of 12/22/2014-12/26/2014. Trade Well. Protect your portfolio at all times. -chessNwine Direct Vimeo Link Click Here
21Dec11:48 amEST
Coke's Chart a Messenger of Looming Knockout
After an impressive and steady nearly six-year uptrend, Coca-Cola's stock chart is now displaying classic warning signs of an imminent top. On the daily chart, below, note the loose and sloppy price swings in recent months. This type of action indicates a loud disagreement taking place between buyers and sellers, otherwise known as "violent...
20Dec2:39 pmEST
Saturday Night at Market Chess Cinemas
I consider L.A. Confidential (1997) to be one of the best films from the 1990's. Based on the James Ellroy novel, and set in steamy, noir-ish 1950s Los Angeles, the film focuses on three main scheming, gritty policemen tracking several murders with some shady connections to the police department. The all-star cast features Kevin Spacey,...
20Dec2:10 pmEST
Steve Nison on Candlesticks
A good Saturday educational video from one of the legends of candlestick technical analysis.
19Dec3:51 pmEST
They're Not Giving Up on the V
Another V-shaped rally back to recent highs on the S&P 500 Index, seen below on the daily chart, leaves many market players in an interesting spot as we head into the final two holiday-shortened weeks of 2014. I did not do too much swing trading this week, not only due to the overnight gaps and wild price moves in both directions but also...
19Dec3:05 pmEST
Capable of a Monstrous Squeeze Attack
I still view IMAX as an explosive short squeeze candidate to the upside, especially as we head into the big Hollywood Christmas film releases. The stock remains very heavily-shorted. And observing the technicals on the daily chart, below, if the $28.70 area below can now hold as newfound support the thesis has a chance to work. In addition,...
19Dec2:21 pmEST
Starbucks Looking to Keep Its Brand Intact
SBUX is a critical chart in the market headed into next week, insofar as whether this breakout holds in a routine check-back on the weekly chart, first below. A move back under $78 would set up a potential "bull trap," or false breakout. At a minimum, it would yield a squishy chart like we have seen from the financials of late. Also note, as...
19Dec12:30 pmEST
Looking at Other Ground for a Sniper Short
& CP may be a candidate for me to rotate my UNP short money into, with the mega rail struggling today. On the daily chart, below, note the wedge up to the breakdown level of the diamond pattern. A rollover now below $185 would likely set up a trigger. I am still in the UNP short, with my cover-stop over $124.