Showing articles 6281 - 6290 (6679 total)
02Feb10:31 amEST
The Dog Days of Winter; Chess Moves
Charles Barkley once referred to early-February as being the "dog days" of the NBA regular season, meaning that the NBA season had already been in progress for several months, but the end of the season was still too far away to be considered close. In the stock market, February is typically a cold months for prices, in addition to the weather...
01Feb2:29 pmEST
Weekend Video Strategy Session 02/01/15 {Video}
The following video contains coverage of the broad market, as well as tons of actionable trading ideas for equities and other markets regarding the coming week of 02/02/15-02/06/15. Trade Well. Protect your portfolio at all times. -chessNwine Direct Vimeo Link Click Here
01Feb10:40 amEST
A Football Life: Bill Belichick
While it is true that the New England Patriots now appear to have an "aura of cheating" around them due to incidents over the past decade, the fact of the matter is that they still have been a wildly successful football organization since 2002 in an NFL which promotes parity. Thus, it is worthwhile on this Super Sunday to take a deeper look at...
31Jan11:58 amEST
Saturday Night at Market Chess Cinemas
As football season officially ends tomorrow night after the Super Bowl, I am going to recommend Everybody’s All American (1988), literally an all-American tale. I consider this one a classic, and it is easily my favorite football movie of all-time. Based on the novel by Frank Deford, Jessica Lange, Dennis Quaid, Timothy Hutton, and John...
31Jan10:43 amEST
Trading Interview with Mark Cook, Market Wizard
Here is a good educational piece for your Saturday morning.
30Jan3:44 pmEST
Diving Into Super Bowl Weekend; Chess Moves
With the expansion in price range and volatility in recent weeks, combined with the inability of the market to sustain a rally late this week, I have placed bearish bets into Super Bowl weekend. I went long TZA at $12.83 with a stop-loss below $12, betting on a major breakdown in the Russell 2000 Index next week. This is a triple-levered short...
30Jan2:57 pmEST
Revisiting the Oil Thesis; Chess Moves
I had success shorting major airlines earlier this year under the theory oil would stabilize soon and impact them negatively. In fact, what happened was that oil keep falling, but the airlines fell anyway. Currently, oil is snapping back hard today for a likely bear market short squeeze rally. Major airlines are getting hit, too, even as the...
30Jan1:09 pmEST
A Relevant and Quality Seasonality Study
Courtesy of Nautilus Research (@NautilusCap), the above chart illustrates what happens in equites after we see a negative month of January, when it comes after three or more prior years of gains . This is a focused and relevant seasonality study, which is important because it can be very easy to find erroneous, biased, and misguided...
30Jan12:25 pmEST
Join Us for a Limbo Luau Party
With HA gapping down ferociously today, I still view major airlines as setting up for shorts again. I traded AAL and UAL for wins earlier this year, but I was quick not to overstay my welcome given how resilient they have been for a while now. Still, the majors, such as AAL DAL UAL, can still be seen as short idea with defined stop-loss above...
30Jan11:43 amEST
Just Short It; Chess Moves
I went short NKE here at $92.93 with a cover-stop over $97. The position is roughly 4% of my trading capital. I am playing for a daily chart breakdown from the well-defined descending triangle (light blue lines), seen below. I am also playing for the stock's long-term, abnormally steep trend to break. Simply put, Nike has enjoyed an incredible...