Showing articles 4731 - 4740 (6683 total)
25Apr3:40 pmEST
The Perrigo Principle in Effect
The Pareto principle (also widely-known as the 80–20 rule) states that, in general, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes in most events. Applied to the huge down move in PRGO today, on the back of news that CEO Papa left to head rival firm VRX, we may very well apply the "Perrigo Principle." Specifically, on a slow market...
25Apr12:43 pmEST
Walk it Down Before the Fireworks
Equities, and indeed most commodity-related stocks, are pushing down into the New York lunch hour, as likely profit-taking is finally setting in before a full slate of earnings, a Fed meeting, and some significant macro data later this week. A leader like NFLX is a notable laggard here, still threatening a potential head and shoulders top...
25Apr10:43 amEST
Bake Up a Good Chemical Reaction with Gas
After an impressive run-up last week, natural gas is coming in off short-term overbought conditions, seen on the daily chart for the UNG ETF, below. Although there have been quick-hitting, actionable long trades in natural gas in recent years, on the whole natty has been mired in a bear market since 2008. Unlike other commodities in 2016,...
24Apr2:44 pmEST
Weekend Overview and Analysis 04/24/16 {Video}
The following video is a brief, condensed version of the full-length Weekend Video Strategy Session which I present each weekend to members of Market Chess Subscription Services. In the longer version, I offer tons of actionable trade ideas, educational content, and in-depth objective analysis across all markets. Please click here for more...
23Apr7:24 pmEST
Saturday Night at Market Chess Cinemas
Geoffrey Rush's performance, for which he won the Best Actor Oscar, on a standalone basis makes Shine (1996) worth seeing. Rush would rise to a more prominent status in Hollywood after this role, as pianist David Helfgott, who makes a riveting comeback to the piano after enduring a breakdown at a younger age. This film is based on the...
22Apr12:47 pmEST
Don't Try to Change That Number
Taking a lesson from when Michael Jordan switched to number 45 after coming back from his baseball stint, lost to the Orlando Magic in the 1995 NBA playoffs, then came back the next year as number 23 again and won the NBA Championship with arguably the most dominant team in the last two decades, we should not change our number when it comes to...
22Apr10:51 amEST
The Microsoft Clippers Take the Floor
Much like our analysis of KO earlier this week, MSFT is another stodgy Dow name which took its sweet old time getting back to prior all-time highs set more than fifteen years ago. Now that both KO and MSFT have circled back to their prior highs, with Microsoft actually "clipping" it with momentary fresh ones, long-term overhead supply is likely...
21Apr4:39 pmEST
Stock Market Recap 04/21/16 {Video}
The following video is a brief, condensed version of the Stock Market Recap which I present each evening to members of Market Chess Subscription Services. In the longer version, I offer tons of actionable trade ideas, educational content, and in-depth objective analysis across all markets. If you enjoy my videos and blog posts, then please...
21Apr3:35 pmEST
Off to the Races Tonight
A huge lineup of major firms reporting earnings awaits us tonight after the closing bell, ranging from Visa to SLB and SBUX, to SKX, and of course GOOGL, seen below on the daily timeframe. Just as with NFLX, if bears are going to make some noise this summer in the broad market, I suspect the outlined potential cockeyed top needs to confirm...
21Apr12:37 pmEST
Tracking the Rotations
The "safety" trades seeking yield, namely in the IYR XLP XLU sectors, are unwinding for the second consecutive session as I write this. At issue now is where we see that money flowing, be it to higher beta/riskier sectors like the XBI (small/mid-cap biotech ETF) or beaten-down hot tamales like FIT GPRO LNKD TWTR YELP. And then there is always...