Daily Archives: July 7, 2024

Showing articles 1 - 2 (2 total)

09Jan3:24 pmEST

These Cougars Just Went from Predator to Prey

A bonafide, dominant retail player since the 2009 lows, Lululemon surged in popularity for a variety of demographics but especially women "of a certain age" trying to retain a comfortable yet attractive look. Indeed, LULU's stock is something of which chapters in textbooks can be written, perhaps one of the poster children of the QE/ZIRP era...

09Jan11:26 amEST

A Confident Market: But is it Authentic?

Considering we have Powell speaking tomorrow, followed by the CPI on Thursday (not to mention the big banks kicking off a new earnings season Friday morning) this market seems uniquely confident in the face of those potential headline risks.  It is often said that whereas bull markets climb a wall of worry, bear markets slide down a slope of...


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