
Showing articles 6001 - 6010 (6580 total)

06Mar3:32 pmEST

I Can Beat My Burrito at Chess; Chess Moves

I went short CMG at $660.16 with a cover-stop over $680. This position equates to roughly 4% of my portfolio capital.  On the weekly chart, below, CMG looks to be struggling in the midpoint of its long-running rising channel (light blue line). On shorter-term timeframes, the stock has been a base breakdown candidate for a while, which I have...

06Mar2:06 pmEST

Going Solo on This One; Chess Moves

First off, I just sold a piece of my SRS long at $12.63 here from $12.03 posted earlier this week  to scale some gains. I now retain about 75% of my original position, with a stop-loss still below $11.50 on this ultra-short REITs ETF.  Next, I went short FB at $80.19 with a cover-stop over $83, a contrarian play and looking to swing it.  FB...

06Mar1:24 pmEST

Apple Adding Some Sweetness to the Dow

But will all that sweetness cause Dow diabetes? The timing of AAPL being added to the Dow Jones Industrial Average, replacing AT&T, sure does smack of something you are more likely to see in the late innings of a bull market rather than in a bear market or in the "wall of worry" phase of a young-to-middle-aged bull. On a standalone basis, the...

06Mar12:26 pmEST

Has Mr. Rothstein Even Applied for a Gaming License? Chess Moves

I just went short LVS at $55.34 with a cover-stop over $58.70, looking to swing it for another leg down in its current weekly downtrend. This position equates to roughly 4% of my trading portfolio capital.  LVS is a name I have profiled many times over the past year or so as consistently being an actionable short idea. Long-time readers will...

06Mar11:16 amEST

Presenting King Dollar Like Royalty

George Washington is said to have been a man of great humility, opting to be referred to simply as "Mr. President" instead of some royal name.  Still, the performance of "King Dollar" of late renders the greenback worthy of high praise, indeed. On the updated UUP ETF weekly chart, below, that textbook "bull flag" consolidation I discussed last...

06Mar10:34 amEST

Treat Your Positions as They Treat You; Chess Moves

In the markets, just as in life, it is often best to develop a certain disdain for things and people which do not treat you well--Ignoring them is the best revenge, rather than trying to placate them or stoop down to play on their childish level. For this reason, I religiously cut losers and do not look back. Although you can see how a ticker...

05Mar4:35 pmEST

Stock Market Recap 03/05/15 {Video}

The following video contains coverage of relevant broad market issues (for equities) in addition to plenty of actionable trading ideas across other asset classes. Feel free to pick and choose which ideas and parts of the analysis fit your style. Always properly manage your downside portfolio risk for any trades taken. Enjoy tonight's...

05Mar3:42 pmEST

Staying Tactical Against General Winter

Into the closing bell, I am tempted to put on another UGAZ long, with UNG holding over $14.40. However, on this wintry, grinding day I am going to avoid over-trading and err on the side of patience. If there is one thing history teaches us, it is to not try to force a battle against General Winter (just ask Napoleon and Hitler).  My current...

05Mar3:10 pmEST

Hold on for Dear Life

To reiterate some long ideas I will discuss on the recap tonight, if we get some more strength out of their basing patterns: ADSK CYBR FEYE GNC PAYC PLAY, among others.  Still, the weakness in AAPL is interesting and worth revisiting this final hour.  On the updated 30-minute chart, we could easily be bear-flagging at that key $126.60 level we...

05Mar2:20 pmEST

Grinding Away with Indecision

My open positions are a mixed bag, with the CAT short working the best for me. Meanwhile, my CRTO ERY SRS longs are grinding in the other direction.  But even with the CAT short, dip-buyers are giving it every effort off the morning lows. As far as fresh positions, a few long setups into strength are: ADSK GNC HALO LNKD PAYC.  The ag plays,...

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