
Showing articles 471 - 480 (6591 total)

24Feb10:44 amEST

Inflation and PE Ratios High While the Market's IQ is of a Mothball

A brief survey of the action this morning in the wake of the hot PCE print has bulls thinking it is yet another in a long line of, "What, me worry?!" dips to be bought. Indeed, if the 0DTE call options buyers step in with force and rip us back towards 4000 on the S&P 5000 Index (updated daily chart, below) by day's end it would not surprise too...

23Feb10:43 amEST

NVIDIA Versus Netflix, Who You Got?

With NVDA surging after an AI-pumped earnings while Netflix is slumping hard after a subscription price cut, the easiest/smart aleck thing to retort is, "Who cares, Chess? They can both go their separate ways--That's what makes a market." However, in case you have not noticed correlations have been running tightly for a while now, with the...

22Feb4:21 pmEST

Stock Market Recap 02/22/23 {Video}

The following video is a brief, condensed version of the Stock Market Recap which I present each evening to members of Market Chess Subscription Services. In the longer version, I offer tons of actionable trade ideas, educational content, and in-depth objective analysis across all markets. If you enjoy my videos and blog posts, then please...

22Feb11:02 amEST

Spill or No Spill, Norfolk is Spilling Over

At times the market can have a rather grim form of even gallows humor. Back on 9/11, equities were already in an established bear market, including the airlines. Clearly, 9/11 exacerbated the selling, especially airlines. Back in April 2010, shares of RIG were already beginning to wobble a bit before the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.  And now...

21Feb3:22 pmEST

Still Orderly...For Now

Although today's selloff seems like it caught some bulls by surprise it also mirrors quite a few of the selloffs we saw in 2022 insofar as being more of the orderly variety, lacking in true explosiveness to the downside.  As a bear market matures, however, the odds of the selling intensifying pick up, especially in light of the big rally we...

21Feb10:45 amEST

The Market Chess Crew Takes on Steroid Roy

Dip-buyers have been in "Steroid Roy" mode for over a decade now, raging into any dips, crashes, corrections to risk it all and sprint the tape back higher.  However, seeing Professor Jeremy Siegel on CNBC this morning lamenting the resilient economy as being much stronger than he expected drives home the point we are now in a new regime, as...

20Feb10:32 amEST

Weekend Overview and Analysis 02/20/23 {Video}

The following video is a brief, condensed version of the full-length Weekend Video Strategy Session which I present each weekend to members of Market Chess Subscription Services. In the longer version, I offer tons of actionable trade ideas, educational content, and in-depth objective analysis across all markets.  Please click here  for more...

17Feb10:39 amEST

Bashful FANGs

Whether or not you agree with my view that this remains a long-in-the-tooth bear market rally in equities, destined to plunge to new lows, is one thing. But it is still instructive to note relative weakness where we see it, especially among the mega cap tech monsters.  Specifically, of the "FANG" names, two of the worst performers in 2023...

16Feb10:15 amEST

Multiple Counterattacks

After a hot PPI report this morning stocks are lower and rates are higher. As usual, the roadmap for bears to launch a successful counterattack here is predicated on them, first and foremost, decisively breaking and holding price below 4100 on the S&P 500 Index. After that, we can begin to look for follow-through lower most likely after options...

15Feb10:34 amEST

Off the Mat and Looking Good

Equities continue to go through periods of drifting up or sideways, as they have done this morning since an opening bell push lower, and then periods of reversing all over the place intraday to the tune of 1-2% in recent sessions. I view that type of price action, especially after a prior rally, as presaging a looming major reversal to the...

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