Showing articles 3581 - 3590 (6692 total)
06Jul10:25 amEST
Pretty Standard Scenario for Twitter
We have a fairly sloppy opening hour of trading today, especially when you consider the glimmers of hope flashing yesterday for tech bulls amid the SMH QQQ outperformance. Instead of immediate upside follow-through, however, we looked at dip-buyers getting soundly stuffed off the opening bell. As I write this, those tech bulls will need to...
05Jul4:30 pmEST
Stock Market Recap 07/05/17 {Video}
The following video is a brief, condensed version of the Stock Market Recap which I present each evening to members of Market Chess Subscription Services. In the longer version, I offer tons of actionable trade ideas, educational content, and in-depth objective analysis across all markets If you enjoy my videos and blog posts, then please...
05Jul1:23 pmEST
Biotech: Was That It?
There are two schools of thought about the recent surge into biotechnology stocks as plenty of chips and Nasdaq winners cooled off. On the one hand, broad market and dedicated biotech bulls argue that the breakout was a long time coming, as both the IBB and XBI sector ETFs have been digesting and base-building their 2015/2016 corrections for a...
05Jul10:38 amEST
Holiday Cheer Mixed with Fear
The price action around this Fourth of July holiday smacks of a more indecision by the market, more than at any point in at least several months if not quarters. After futures led equities to a green open this morning, for example, we saw some sound fades in both small caps and the stodgy Dow mega cap stocks. As I write this, the Nasdaq is...
04Jul10:51 amEST
Happy Independence Day
On this day in 1776, the Declaration of Independence , which proclaimed the independence of the United States of America from Great Britain and its king. was formally adopted by twelve colonies after some revisions to the document. Lost in the shuffle of barbecues, beaches, and ball games is the exhilarating story of the Revolutionary War,...
03Jul10:31 amEST
Can You Become an International Harvester?
As I write this the Dow is up more than 150 points while the QQQ is back in the red. Indeed, if tech continues along this corrective summer path bulls will, almost by definition, need to keep sustaining sector rotations in order to prevent a full-blown market correction ("not that there's anything wrong with that," to paraphrase Jerry...
02Jul4:16 pmEST
Weekend Overview and Analysis 07/02/17 {Video}
The following video is a brief, condensed version of the full-length Weekend Video Strategy Session which I present each weekend to members of Market Chess Subscription Services. In the longer version, I offer tons of actionable trade ideas, educational content, and in-depth objective analysis across all mark Please click here for more...
01Jul10:25 amEST
Saturday Night at Market Chess Cinemas
Available on Netflix, I recommend watching the AMC series, " TURN: Washington's Spies." This series is a true story; a spy thriller set in the American Revolution. It is fabulously done and features several noted character actors who take on more prominent roles in the series, such as Jamie Bell, Kevin McNally, and Angus Macfadyen. I am a fan...
29Jun10:30 amEST
Hey, Remember Me? Violent Indecision from the Bronx
It appears we may have a Benny Blanco situation on our hands in the market this week, as the Nasdaq is beginning to swing around violently on a daily basis more than at any point in recent memory. While it is true that we may need to take everything with a grain of salt due to the holiday coming up, end of month/quarter gamesmanship by fund...
28Jun12:23 pmEST
Are the Small Caps All Growns Up?
Given the crosscurrents this week, in terms of end of month/quarter/quasi-holiday trading leading up the Fourth, it is likely correct to take any price action with at least one grain of salt, if not two. Nonetheless, the stunning upside reversal today in the Russell 2000, small cap dominated index is sure to be a focal point for bulls arguing...