
Showing articles 871 - 880 (6581 total)

02Mar11:42 amEST

Warning: This is How Advanced Civilizations Go Downhill Fast

Since gradualism, can-kicking, and carefully choosing words seems to be all the rage among both Fed Chair Jay Powell and many inflation-will-recede-sooners, allow me to be blunt: America was this close to rampant, runaway hyperinflation in the late-1970s until former Fed Chair Paul Volcker summoned the intestinal fortitude to be the bad guy...

01Mar3:13 pmEST

Genco: More Than Just Olive Oil

As commodities boom virtually all plays ancillary to their success are in focus to participate as well. U.S.-based Genco Shipping, below on its daily chart, is one such idea, a dry bulk shipper which transports iron ore, coal, grain, and steel products, just to name a few. You can see GNK consolidating fairly well around the $20 level after a...

01Mar11:06 amEST

Bear Market Blues; Bell Bottom Blues

In a scene reminiscent of the 1970s stagflation era, commodities are ruling the roost while former growth leaders (not unlike the "Nifty Fifty" of that time period) disappoint hopeful dip-buyers.  As we speak this morning, most commodities are on full display, be it crude, wheat and corn, palladium, and now gold and silver. I went long silver...

28Feb4:37 pmEST

Stock Market Recap 02/28/22 {Video}

The following video is a brief, condensed version of the Stock Market Recap which I present each evening to members of Market Chess Subscription Services. In the longer version, I offer tons of actionable trade ideas, educational content, and in-depth objective analysis across all markets. If you enjoy my videos and blog posts, then please...

28Feb10:50 amEST

Is it Really All Baked Into the Piroshki?

With small caps and the Nasdaq flipping green as I write this off another headline-filled gap down from the weekend, one has to at least wonder if the near-term bad news about Russia and Ukraine has been adequately priced in by markets. While I am always inclined to think that there remain known unknowns--And perhaps some unknown...

27Feb10:11 amEST

Weekend Overview and Analysis 02/27/22 {Video}

The following video is a brief, condensed version of the full-length Weekend Video Strategy Session which I present each weekend to members of Market Chess Subscription Services. In the longer version, I offer tons of actionable trade ideas, educational content, and in-depth objective analysis across all markets.  Please click here  for more...

25Feb11:23 amEST

Reminder: It's Still a New Regime

After a dramatic upside reversal and some follow-through higher today it is quite easy to assume the worst is behind us in terms of the Nasdaq and growth stock selloff. However, you will notice that even into this relief rally we have IGV XBI all lagging noticeably, with names like DKNG PENN actually red as I write this. True, they may be...

24Feb3:06 pmEST

I Doubt This is the Last of General Winter

This morning's sizable opening gap down was enough to get me to lock in giant in some of my bearish bets with Members, be it short TSLA and short semis, as well as a long wheat trade. Stocks actually look to have printed session lows right on the opening print, which is something we have seen quite a bit since March 2020, actually, although all...

24Feb10:40 amEST

As Far as Markets Go: Russia is a MacGuffin

MacGuffin : In fiction, a MacGuffin is an object, device, or event that is necessary to the plot and the motivation of the characters, but insignificant, unimportant, or irrelevant in itself. About a week ago I locked in my short on Treasuries (a bet on higher rates) as I surmised with Members that bonds could easily stage a bit of a relief...

23Feb4:26 pmEST

Stock Market Recap 02/23/22 {Video}

The following video is a brief, condensed version of the Stock Market Recap which I present each evening to members of Market Chess Subscription Services. In the longer version, I offer tons of actionable trade ideas, educational content, and in-depth objective analysis across all markets. If you enjoy my videos and blog posts, then please...

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