
Showing articles 4611 - 4620 (6586 total)

03May1:05 pmEST

Pay Your Dues Before Summer Really Begins

Much like the weather in the northeast today, summer is not quite here yet.  And when it comes to the global materials and commodity complex, the same may very well be true despite a riveting rally since the winter months.  Emerging markets, for example, not unlike the energy sector, could easily be in the process of putting in a long-term bear...

03May10:48 amEST

Chase the Chasers

We have some nasty whipsaws taking place across several markets this week, with equites gapping, in many case, free and clear below the apparent bull victory seen during yesterday's rally.  Goldman Sachs, a premier financial firm, is a good example of the above, sporting strength yesterday to the delight of bulls only to give up the ghost, and...

02May4:49 pmEST

Stock Market Recap 05/02/16 {Video}

The following video is a brief, condensed version of the Stock Market Recap which I present each evening to members of Market Chess Subscription Services. In the longer version, I offer tons of actionable trade ideas, educational content, and in-depth objective analysis across all markets. If you enjoy my videos and blog posts, then please...

02May3:36 pmEST

Don't Trap Yourself

Without question, the precious metals miners have trapped a good amount of shorts since mid-January, when an apparent breakdown to fresh bear market lows suddenly reversed higher and, basically, did not so much as look back in the rearview mirror to see if the predator-turned-prey DUST/JDST holders still had a pulse.  Seeing as it is now May,...

02May12:53 pmEST

Not Quite the Memorial Day Massacre

Crude oil is finally seeing a bit more material weakness today, for the first time in a while. I still view the $10.80 level on the USO (ETF for crude oil) as being the logical downside level for bulls to now defend after they prevailed for a base bottom upside breakout in April.  As we know, crude bulls overcame the lack of a deal in Doha and...

02May10:47 amEST

A Sliding Scale of Prices

We have a pretty sloppy bounce in play this morning, with biotechnology and healthcare issues notably lagging. To be sure, the VRX sell-off in light of the roasting the firm endured over the weekend in Omaha is not likely helping the bull case. But the larger issue is still a general lack of leadership in the market, beyond AMZN and FB. That...

01May1:48 pmEST

Weekend Overview and Analysis 05/01/16 {Video}

The following video is a brief, condensed version of the full-length Weekend Video Strategy Session which I present each weekend to members of Market Chess Subscription Services. In the longer version, I offer tons of actionable trade ideas, educational content, and in-depth objective analysis across all markets. Please click here  for more...

30Apr9:54 pmEST

Saturday Night at Market Chess Cinemas

While Citizen Kane (1941) is the film most famously associated with Orsen Welles, Touch of Evil (1958) is as good as they come, complete with Charlton Heston playing a Mexican and Welles himself as one of the stars. Below, you will find the official trailer to the movie, followed by another video with the famous opening "long shot." Note...

29Apr12:37 pmEST

Better Call Paul

It may very well be just another inflationary head-fake which leads to a deflationary crash, not unlike what we saw in the first half of 2008 which completely unwound in the latter part of the year. But the uptick in inflationary signals is worth noting, beyond gold. TIPS, for example, or Treasury Inflation Protected Securities, bottomed out...

29Apr10:39 amEST

Every Which Way But Loose

The small cap ETF on the zoomed-out 30-minute timeframe, below, has given us pretty good context of late in terms of making sense of the market's whipsaws.  Note how the IWM failed to hold over $114.15, even when it looked like bulls were in clear control, as recently as yesterday in the early-afternoon.  A sharp reversal to the downside took...

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