
Showing articles 5951 - 5960 (6579 total)

16Mar11:50 amEST

Probing a Coffee Long; Chess Moves

I just went long JO, the ETN for coffee, at $24.07 with a protective stop-loss $22.60.  As I discussed earlier this morning, coffee is outperforming virtually all commodities today. It has been disappointing after a promising first week of 2015.  Still, seasonal trends are favorable and the technical setup on the daily chart, below, is for...

16Mar11:21 amEST

Squaring Up Before a Big Match; Chess Moves

I just covered up the final piece of my LVS short for a win, and my UAL short for a loss.  After scaling on the way down, casinos may finally be ripe to bounce this week. Either way, the risk is too high for a sharp snapback rally in the likes of LVS WYNN here for my taste. Thus, I covered the final 10% position size in my LVS short at $52.92...

16Mar10:46 amEST

The Road Leading Up to the Fed

In front of a larger-than-usal Fed Day on Wednesday, namely due to Chair Yellen's press conference and the Fed Members' forecasts, the market is bouncing reasonably well this morning after last week's volatility.  Notable laggards include premier names like FB and NFLX, though. A beaten-down name like BABA is trying to stage a snapback rally,...

15Mar1:20 pmEST

Weekend Video Strategy Session 03/15/15 {Video}

The following video contains coverage of the broad market, as well as tons of actionable trading ideas for equities and other markets regarding the coming week of 03/16/15-03/20/15. Trade Well. Protect your portfolio at all times. -chessNwine Direct Vimeo Link - Click Here

15Mar11:00 amEST

Peer Over the Dow

We have a big week coming up in the market, including another widely-anitipcated FOMC announcement on Wednesday. I will have full coverage of the markets in my Weekend Video Strategy Session, later today. For now, consider the Visa daily chart, below. Visa is now, by far, the most heavily-weighted Dow component. And it is therefore likely...

14Mar11:56 amEST

Saturday Night at Market Chess Cinemas

With Saint Patrick’s Day coming up this Tuesday, I suggest watching the overlooked Waking Ned Devine (1998), an entertaining comedy set in a small Irish village. The comedy centers around a lottery winner who dies of shock, while fellow townspeople devise a plan to keep, and split, the prize among themselves. The film strikes the perfect tone...

14Mar10:59 amEST

Sports Betting Legend Bill Walters

Here is a good educational piece on this Saturday regarding the Las Vegas sports betting legend, Bill Walters. The following piece was run on CBS' "60 Minutes " a few years back, and is worth a viewing on the accomplished if not controversial professional bettor.  As you watch the piece, try to apply some of the concepts discussed about...

13Mar3:48 pmEST

Lessons from a Rocky Market

As we wind down a volatile week in the market, many seem eager to look for reasons for a rally instead of a further sell-off. I will discuss the broad market more in-depth over the weekend in my Weekend Video Strategy Session. But as we zoom towards the bell on to close out the week, consider LNKD. I discussed on last Sunday's Strategy Session...

13Mar3:19 pmEST

Pressing a Bet; Chess Moves

I added to my open GOOGL short here at $551.18, pressing the bet for further weakness next week.  My original entry was noted here  earlier this week at $557.15 with a cover-stop over $585.  My cover-stop remans the same, and the position now equates to roughly 6% of my portfolio capital.  The bear thesis of a weekly topping pattern is still...

13Mar2:01 pmEST

A Look Across Multiple Timeframes for Lumber Liquidators

As I mentioned in recent video market recaps, although it is tempting to play for a big, contrarian bottom with a widely-disucssed swoon for both the stock and company's reputation, the idea was to resist the urge to play LL for anything more than a quick long scalp.  On the monthly chart, first below, the best case bulls can make is that the...

   592 | 593 | 594 | 595 | 596 | 597 | 598 | 599 | 600   

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