Showing articles 961 - 970 (6679 total)
09Mar11:28 amEST
Retreat, Then Re-Engage
The day-to-day, heck, even the intraday and especially overnight, randomness of these price swings and headline sensitivity reinforces a concept which those who have followed my work for years have come to learn: A heavy cash position is a particularly powerful one in these sorts of markets. As quantitative easing officially ends today, The...
08Mar3:43 pmEST
Don't Want to Land on No Three Mile Island
I don't know where I'm-a-gonna go when this volcano of a market blows. Or maybe I do. But for today, we are fittingly limping into the closing bell to cap off one of the most violently indecisive trading sessions we have seen in a good while, especially in light of the technical spot we are in and the headlines hitting. Indeed, this market is...
08Mar10:23 amEST
Don't Forget About the Boogeyman in the Dark
With the looming U.S. ban on Russian oil being announced by President Biden within the hour, coupled with the ongoing messy price action in most stocks, it is rather easy to overlook the bond market here. After all, rates have relaxed a bit the last few weeks as TLT (Treasury prices) rose. However, the threat of a major regime change (i.e....
07Mar3:35 pmEST
That Oil Ain't Gonna Move Itself
As crude chugs on higher and U.S. officials are sweet talking the likes of Venezuela and the Saudis for more oil, we know that the oil cannot move itself. Indeed, as we noted last week the likes of DSX GNK FRO are all nicely higher today, with a special shout-out the oil tankers like FRO. On that note, Teekay, below on its daily chart, is...
07Mar10:28 amEST
Fill in the Blank: If Apple Goes, the Market ____
Currently sitting on a $2.6 trillion market cap, and a major weighting in the Dow, S&P, and Nasdaq ETFs (!), Apple Inc., below on its daily chart, arguably has been a major reason why the market feels like it has been bad but could indeed have been much worse (so far) given the new flow and underlying technical deterioration. But that raises...
06Mar9:39 amEST
Weekend Overview and Analysis 03/06/22 {Video}
The following video is a brief, condensed version of the full-length Weekend Video Strategy Session which I present each weekend to members of Market Chess Subscription Services. In the longer version, I offer tons of actionable trade ideas, educational content, and in-depth objective analysis across all markets. Please click here for more...
04Mar10:36 amEST
Real Assets Get the Biddies
Play stupid monetary games. Win stupid monetary prizes. Although The Fed's historically accommodative policies since the global financial crisis have been lauded frequently over the years for having spread prosperity and apparently saved the world, we seem to be in the (still) early stages of now seeing the true consequences of such...
03Mar10:15 amEST
Best Buy: Exhibit A Why Value Wins Over Growth Going Forward
As market payers all filed into the likes of COST and HD, not to mention LOW or even TGT WMT, the last few years among the big box/volume retailers in a ZIRP/TINA environment, little old Best Buy quietly plodded either sideways or higher well under the radar. Best Buy, a name we bought with VIP Members in the long-term investing arm of the...
02Mar11:42 amEST
Warning: This is How Advanced Civilizations Go Downhill Fast
Since gradualism, can-kicking, and carefully choosing words seems to be all the rage among both Fed Chair Jay Powell and many inflation-will-recede-sooners, allow me to be blunt: America was this close to rampant, runaway hyperinflation in the late-1970s until former Fed Chair Paul Volcker summoned the intestinal fortitude to be the bad guy...
01Mar3:13 pmEST
Genco: More Than Just Olive Oil
As commodities boom virtually all plays ancillary to their success are in focus to participate as well. U.S.-based Genco Shipping, below on its daily chart, is one such idea, a dry bulk shipper which transports iron ore, coal, grain, and steel products, just to name a few. You can see GNK consolidating fairly well around the $20 level after a...