Showing articles 921 - 930 (6679 total)
08Apr10:39 amEST
It's Time to Turn the Amen Corner
While it certainly turned out to be a choppy final few weeks of March for precious miners, there are two bullish aspects about the complex worth noting right now: 1) Very few market players and pundits are gung-ho bullish on the group, for obvious reason--The precious miners have been heartbreakers for a good while now. It is simply too easy to...
07Apr9:09 amEST
Morning Prep 04/07/22 {Video}
The following video is an example of the types of Morning Prep Videos I present to Members of the Market Chess Subscription Services on a daily basis. Please click here for more details about joining to access these videos regularly, as well as plenty of other features.
06Apr3:49 pmEST
Recessionary Action
Many are debating the yield curve inversion and its merits, and we can do that indefinitely. But objectively analyzing the market's price action of late points to equities shifting to a recessionary view--Although the restaurants, airports, casinos, hotels, may all be packed in your hood, the issue is where the economic is 6-9 months from now...
06Apr10:30 amEST
Are You an International Harvester?
Stocks are likely coming around to the idea that yesterday's talk about imminent quantitative tightening by Lael Brainard was part of a carefully crafted strategy by The Fed in front of both today's FOMC Minutes (from the last Fed Meeting), as well as headed into the next FOMC in the first few days of May. The reason why The Fed is so careful...
05Apr3:51 pmEST
REM - Losing Your Religion in Housing
According to Mortgage News Daily, the average rate on the popular 30-year fixed mortgage just crossed 5%, now standing at 5.02%. This ranks among the highest in the last eleven years or so. And if you believe that the housing market has indeed become an integral part of The Fed's "wealth effect" strategy dating back to Greenspan, then this...
05Apr11:27 amEST
Folks: The Real Enemy is Shrinkage
Stocks endured an abrupt and sharp downswing off the open this morning as news hit the tape that noted prior dove and Federal Reserve Governor Lael Brainard said that The Fed could start reducing its balance sheet as soon as May and would be doing so at “a rapid pace.” Even more than rate hikes, the pace of them and how substantial each one...
04Apr3:48 pmEST
Twitter and Elon Musk: No Regrets on My Part Whatsoever
Headed into the closing bell, I think it is now safe to say that the Elon Musk stake news in Twitter certainly helped spark a further rally in most growth stocks on the day as sentiment understandably felt cheerful amid the 28% pop in shares of TWTR. Overall, though, my long-term thesis on growth stocks, stated many times here and with Members...
04Apr10:24 amEST
You Can't Take Your Eyes Off This Level
On the IWM, ETF for the small cap-led Russell 2000 Index, the $208 level has been significant dating back roughly fifteen months at this point. In real-time, we discussed that level both here and with Members extensively. And when $208 fell back in January, we took it as a major breakdown to be respected until further notice for a significant...
03Apr6:06 amEST
Weekend Overview and Analysis 04/03/22 {Video}
The following video is a brief, condensed version of the full-length Weekend Video Strategy Session which I present each weekend to members of Market Chess Subscription Services. In the longer version, I offer tons of actionable trade ideas, educational content, and in-depth objective analysis across all markets. Please click here for more...
01Apr10:54 amEST
Yield Curve Inversion: Don't Make a Production Out of It
I see the yield curve inversion-as-recession-indicator made the front page of the, as well as being on the tip of everyone's tongue in the financial media, not to mention social finance (for more discussion what inversion actually is, see here ). From the standpoint of being a speculator and/or investor, it is worth noting...